Idaho Paint Contractors

Jackson Hole Paint

Paint Victor, ID

Tips for painting the interior of your home.

How much will it cost to paint the interior of my home?

If you plan to do the work yourself start by calculating how much area you need to cover. Most paint covers approximately 400 sq. ft./gallon. A gallon of paint costs anywhere from $10.00-50.00. Don't forget to add in paint supplies, $80.00 on average. Be sure to calculate in primer and addition coats as necessary.

If you hire a painting contractor your paint cost is the same. The additional cost is for the labor needed to complete the job.

For an accurate estimate from a paint contractor have the following information ready when you meet with them.

  • Number of rooms to be painted
  • Square footage of each room (CWP can help you calculate this durring the consultation)
  • Height of the walls
  • Do you want a brand name paint or lesser-grade paint. Keep in mind, less expensive paint may require more coats, and therefor more labor. Talk with your painting contractor to learn more.
  • Is the job is a color change (lighter or darker) or a touchup?
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Tips for choosing a painting contractor.

Sometimes people don't understand the difference between a good paint job and a not-so-good paint job. We don't want anyone to learn the hard way. So here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a paint contractor.

  • Check references.
  • Ask for a painter recommendation from your local paint store
  • (Note to Nate...drop off some business cards!!!!!!!)
  • Ask for a painter recommendation from friends or coleages
  • Beware of the switch to low-end paint
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What type of interior paint should I use

Before you can choose a paint, you need to choose a look. Do you want simple, freshly painted walls or unique finishes like glazes,textured wall techniques, painted stripes, or even a hand painted wall mural?

Second, consider the room you are paining, walls that are likely to come into contact with water, as with bathrooms and kitchens, may benefit from mildew resistant paint. Children's rooms often do well with easy to clean paints. Once you have this done, you can select a paint that will not only look good, but preform well.

Think twice before chosing a "cheap" paint. It will often take up to 3 coats to cover, so you will likely spend more time, and money.

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Pearl, Satin or Flat finish?

If only thoes were your only options! Lets start at the beginning.

Sheens are described using the terms matte, eggshell, pearl, satin, semi-gloss and gloss. The same color in different finishes will look subtly different and will react differently to normal wear and tear.

Paint finish describes the sheen of a paint. The sheen of a paint is based on the amount of crystalline silica that is mixed into the paint. The more silica a paint contains, the more shine it will have and the more durable it will be. As a general rule, an Eggshell finish, has less shine than a pearl paint, and pearl, less than satin.

Flat paints hide more imperfections than glossy paints however, flat paints cannot be cleaned and must be repainted after being soiled in any way. For this reason, flat paint is often use on ceilings. Semi-gloss and glossy paints are the most durable and often used in outdoor settings. Unfortunatly they tend to reveal every little imperfection and so are rarely used in interior spaces.

The differences between satin and pearl finishes can be nearly imperceptible. We find, both satin and pearl paints nicely balance the imperfection-covering qualities of a flat finish with the durability of high-gloss finishes. Satin and pearl paints tend to be used on trims and cabinets, but are also suitable for walls in any high-traffic area--bathrooms, children's areas, kitchens and hallways, to name a few. Using a pearl paint on the walls and a satin paint on the trim will provide a slight difference in sheen that will enhance the difference in wall and trim colors while still providing durability in both places.

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