"We've got you covered."
Nathan was born and raised in Idaho Falls, ID where he attended Hillcrest High School.
He served an LDS mission in New York City and was educated at Brigham Young University in Provo, UT.
He helped found and has been General Manager of Coldwater Paint since 2006.
He enjoys being involved in helping maintain homes and businesses in Teton Valley and throughout the Intermountain West.
Nathan is involved in all aspects of the business but spends most of his time serving customers with job specific estimates and is always looking forward to meeting new clients to serve.
Jennifer was born and raised in Blackfoot, ID where she learned to work hard on a dairy farm with her parents and siblings.
She attended Blackfoot High School, and later was educated at Boise State University.
She is a mother of four children, with whom she balances her work schedule.
Jennifer is involved with all of the billing, account management and estimating needs for Coldwater Paint.
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